‘Campaign of momentous developments’ (and consequences)


“The most memorable campaign ever waged in North Carolina is approaching Its end. It has been a campaign of startling and momentous developments….

“For the first time in the annals of political campaigning in the State, desperate leaders threw away all reserve and semblance of truth, and deliberately sought by misrepresentations and falsehoods to deceive the people about the damning facts which make up their well-established record…..

“The battle has been fought, the victory is within our reach. North Carolina is a WHITE MAN’S State, and WHITE MEN will rule it, and they will crush the party of negro domination beneath a majority so overwhelming that no other party will ever again dare to attempt to establish negro rule here….”

— From “[State Democratic] Chairman F.M. Simmons Issues a Patriotic and Able Address, Summing Up the Issues, and Appealing Eloquently to the White Voters To Redeem the State” in the News & Observer (Nov. 3, 1898)

Furnifold Simmons‘ efforts were brutally successful, putting Democrats in control of state government and setting the stage for the Wilmington coup of 1898. 

In 2007 the North Carolina Democratic Party apologized. 


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