How to Deposit Your Article

  1. Click on the “Article” button on the CDR homepage, which looks like a piece of paper.
    the article icon on the CDR home page. it is shaped like a piece of paper with the text "article" underneath
  2. Click the “Add files” button at the top of the page to upload your article. If you have more than one file, you might consider depositing some files as child works so that they can be fully discoverable.
    add files and add folder on work upload page. add files is circled
  3. Fill out the form with information about your article.
  4. Select a visibility option on the right side of the page. For more information about the Embargo setting, see “How Do I Delay Publication of My Work?”
  5. Check the box next to “I have read and agree to the Deposit Agreement”
    Proxy deposit and deposit agreement checkbox. the deposit agreement checkbox is highlighted
  6. Click “Save”
  7. You’re done!

Watch a video demonstrating the process: