Checklist for Evaluating a Partner Archive for Your Collection

Are you wondering if partnering with a larger institution might be a good way to support your community archive?

Strategic partnership can support you and your project as you grow, and there are likely many people, organizations, and institutions who would see the value in partnering with you. But not all partnerships are the same; successful partnerships should provide a boost to your current resources, skill sets, and/or capacity, while an unsuccessful partership can feel like a drain on your energy and resources.

Download this checklist to use as a template or print it out and use as a guide for what kinds of questions to ask a potential partner.

The first step towards a successful partnership is to identify what you are looking for in a partner institution. Will your potential partner be able to provide what you need? If you are looking for long-term care for your digital archive, for example, does your potential partner have staff with those skills? Is it responsive to members of your community when they reach out with a question? Is their website easy to navigate for less tech-savvy people? The above guide can help you ask the right questions when considering a new partnership.