Dinner Idea

I was raised in the Midwest, a place where fruit-flavored gelatin offers virtually endless possibilities for culinary creativity. Fruit, vegetables, and various creamy substances all found their way into the many congealed salads of my youth. I thought myself well desensitized to any and all strange Jello dishes until I found a North Carolina recipe that puts all my previous experiences to shame: Tuna Fish Ring. If you are interested in recreating the experience for yourself, the recipe is as follows:

Tuna Fish Ring
1 package lime jello
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup finely chopped celery
1 cup finely chopped stuffed olives
1 cup finely chopped sweet mixed pickles
1 small can tuna fish (flaked)
2 teaspoons vinegar
pinch of salt

Prepare jello according to directions. When slightly congealed, mix in all ingredients. Pour into ring mold and place in refrigerator for several hours. Turn out on large flat dish and surround with lettuce.

From Carolina Cooking, a cookbook published by the Chapel Hill Junior Service League, 1955.