New Harriet Jacobs Website


Check out this new Harriet Jacobs website, hosted by the Edenton-Chowan County Tourism Development Authority.  It’s a great resource for information about Jacobs, the runaway slave and abolitionist from Edenton, North Carolina.  The website contains a biography of Jacobs, historic maps of Edenton, NC, curriculum for North Carolina fourth and eighth grade classrooms, and suggestions for further reading.

In addition to several copies of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, the autobiography of Jacobs, check out these other resources in the North Carolina Collection about Harriet Jacobs and Edenton, NC:

Harriet Ann Jacobs, 1813-1897:  Self-Guided Tour of Her Edenton Years, 1813-1842.  If you ever visit Edenton, this pamphlet, published in 1998 by North Carolina Historical Sites, tells you where you can see former sites where Jacobs lived and worked, as well as the site where Edenton linked with the Underground Railroad.

The Search for the Edenton Years of Harriet Ann Jacobs,” in Carolina Comments, 1990.  This is an essay by George Stevenson that discusses the real people and places of Edenton behind Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.

For a list of other resources about Harriet Jacobs in the North Carolina Collection, click here.

2 thoughts on “New Harriet Jacobs Website”

  1. i’ve just checked out the Harriet Jacobs website, i find it really great, i think it has got a really nice story and by the way nice biography, i really like the article about the slavery and all.

  2. Just finished “Incidents in The Life of a Slave Girl.”

    Available for $1.50 digital/$3.33 paperback.

    Harriet refers to herself as “Linda” and the names of her
    slave master, lover, brother and others are different, perhaps to avoid revenge or a lawsuit.

    Hers is an exciting, astounding and incredible story of survival–every bit as riveting as Solomon Northup’s “Twelve Years a Slave.”

    And she had an admiral life fighting for the poor and downtrodden during and after the Civil War.

    This book should be a “must read” in schools, it is that powerful.

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