So you think you know North Carolina…. No. 37

1. From scribbled notes on an early manuscript, Wilmington document examiner Maureen Casey Owens confirmed the identity of the author of what political roman a clef?

2. What was North Carolina’s first incorporated town?

3. For what was L.A. “Speed” Riggs famous?

4. In 1990 a whimsical “playing field” of seven spherically pruned holly bushes was installed on a sloping median in front of the Charlotte Coliseum. For what previous public art work was its architect, Maya Lin, best known?

5. In State vs. Mann in 1830, the N.C. Supreme Court declined to address the institution of slavery. The case later served as background for what 1852 novel that energized and broadened the abolitionist movement?

Answers below






1. “Primary Colors,” based on Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Despite his earlier denials, “Anonymous” turned out to be Newsweek columnist Joe Klein.

2. Bath, laid out by John Lawson on the Pamlico River and incorporated in 1705.

3. For 33 years, the former Goldsboro tobacco auctioneer pitched Lucky Strikes on radio for American Tobacco with a sing-song chant that ended “Sold, American!”

4. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.

5. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”


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