New in the collection: Milo Violets cigarettes

Closed box of Milo Violets cigarettes with name of cigarettes in cursive on case top

Open box of Milo Violets cigarettes

“The American Tobacco Company introduced Milo Violets in 1918 for women who wished to assert their independence and decide for themselves which cigarettes they would be smoking. Milo Violets were perfumed and had gold tips, a signal that they were designed exclusively for women….”

— From Stanford Research Into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising 

Manufactured in “Factory No. 30 / Dist. of North Carolina”– and still carrying a hint of perfume.


2 thoughts on “New in the collection: Milo Violets cigarettes”

  1. My wife has an unopened box of Milo Violets, still in the cellophane wrapper. As well, she has an opened pack with 3 or 4 cigarettes remaining. I clicked on the picture which brought me here. Don’t really know what to do with these. I think her grand mother had them long ago.

    Were these sold nationwide? She lived in North Dakota.


    1. Your wife’s grandmother may not have paid heed, but North Dakota prohibited sale or use of tobacco from 1913 to 1925….

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