John Jordan Douglass. The Girdle of the Great: A Story of the New South. New York: Broadway Publishing Co., 1908.

Although Colonel Watkins was at one time the wealthiest planter on the Pee Dee River, he now has little to pass on to his son Jerome. Jerome is determined to secure an education that will help him rise in the New South. With that education he can recover the family fortune and be able to ask for the hand of Maxine McDonald. Gabriel Allen stands in the way of Jerome’s goals. Things get worse for the Watkins family before they get better, but in the end Gabriel Allen shows his violent and treacherous nature, and Jerome and Maxine are married. Together they preside over the restoration and modernization of the plantation.

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Filed under 1900-1909, 1908, Anson, Douglass, John Jordan, Novels to Read Online, Piedmont

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