Contemporary Humbug: Astrology and Modern Prophecy, Part 4 of 5

Joseph Adelson, William Bennett, William Cook, Ronald Herzman, and Steven Tigner explore “humbug”–social fascinations such as astrology, modern prophecy, the occult, psychobabble, popular psychology, self-help, and the human potential movement. This part investigates self-help and human potential movements, examining the language that accompanies these movements and their place in popular psychology.

At the time of this interview, Adelson, a Fellow at the National Humanities Center (1978-79), was professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. Bennett was director of the Center. Cook was professor of history and Herzman was professor of English, both at the State University of New York at Geneseo. Tigner was professor of philosophy at the University of Toledo.

This edition of Soundings was produced by Wayne J. Pond.


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