(1)New Criticism and the American Literary Community: Summary and Response; (1) United States Foreign Policy in Latin America and the Third World; (3) American Medical Education and the Liberal Arts; (4) Commentary on Opinion Polls

William Dowling summarizes the approach to literature known as New Criticism and the close textual analysis that characterizes it. He talks about the basis of some conflicts among New Critics in the 1960s. At [5:20], Cleanth Brooks responds to Dowling, offering another viewpoint on New Criticism.

In the second segment [9:00], Charles Bergquist addresses United States foreign policy in Latin America and other third world countries. He addresses the prospects for Latin America to be a self-sustaining region and a powerful force in the world.

In the third segment [17:30], Dr. Carlton Chapman talks about the state of American medical education as it relates to the liberal arts. Topics include the philosophical underpinnings of medical education, recommendations for restoring faith in organized medicine among Americans, and speculation on the future of medical education. John Agresto joins the conversation.

Concluding the program [26:45], William Bennett comments on the value of opinion polls, with attention to the difference between numbers and wisdom.

At the time of this interview, Dowling, a Fellow at the National Humanities Center (1979-80), was professor of English at the University of New Mexico. Brooks, a Fellow at the Center (1979-81), was professor of English at Yale University.

Bergquist, a Fellow at the Center (1980-81), was professor of history at Duke University.

Chapman was former dean of the School of Medicine at Dartmouth College and immediate past president of the Commonwealth Fund. Agresto, a Fellow at the Center (1978-79), was special programs officer at the Center.

Bennett was director of the Center.

This edition of Soundings was conducted by Wayne J. Pond.

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