(1) Søren Kierkegaard; (2) Commentary on Afro-American Slave Narratives

In the cultural and intellectual crosscurrents that flow between Europe and the Americas, the name Søren Kierkegaard is prominent. Mark Taylor discusses Kierkegaard’s interpretation and criticism of nineteenth-century philosophy and religious thought, particularly of Christianity in the form of the Danish state church, and how they affect contemporary religious thought and practice.

In the second segment [24:00], John Sekora comments on how Afro-American slave narratives of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have had a continuous influence on American life up to the 1980s.

At the time of this interview, Taylor, a Fellow at the National Humanities Center (1982-83), was professor of religion at Williams College.

At the time of the recording, Sekora, a Fellow at the Center (1982-83), was professor of English at Western Illinois University.

This edition of Soundings was conducted by Wayne J. Pond.

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