On the limits of fame, geographic, temporal and cultural

“Correction: An earlier version of this column misstated the title of a 1960s television series named for its star. It was ‘The Andy Griffith Show,’ not ‘The Andy Griffin Show.’ ”

— From “Recalling TV’s Golden Age, Stars Pitch Products Tied to Their Shows”  in the New York Times (Dec. 5)


Doug was a Dillard, and Doug was a Darling

Death noted: Banjo picker Doug Dillard, at age 75 in Nashville. Although Dillard wasn’t a North Carolinian — he was born in Salem, Mo. — the one he played on TV played a key part in the bluegrass music revival of the 1960s.

Dillard was a founder of the band bearing his surname — except on “The Andy Griffith Show,” where they became the mute but musical Darlings.

One of the Darlings’ songs mentioned but apparently not played was “Tow Sack Full of Love.”