Bingham X And Bingham Y?

Do any Carolina grads out there remember “Bingham X” and “Bingham Y”? See the map above from 1958. I have to admit that I don’t know anything about these buildings, so if you have any recollection of them, please share with us on the blog.

While we are at it how about a rifle range on campus (look on Raleigh Street, near where Davis Library would be now)? Click on the map below to see a larger image.

3 thoughts on “Bingham X And Bingham Y?”

  1. Good Morning Jason:

    I do indeed remember Bingham X and Bingham Y. As I recall, the Business Affairs Duplicating Department was in Bingham Y and the North Carolina Symphony Society Office (Dr. Benjamin F. Swalin, Director) was in Bingham X. I’m not sure, but I believe both buildings were part of the post World War II era and were just 2 of a number of temporary buildings on campus. I was a student from 1958 to 1963.

    Jack Hilliard ’63

  2. I don’t recall a rifle range on campus during my time at UNC (1958-1963); however, I looked in one of my dad’s Yacks from 1934 and on page 237 there is a picture of two members of “The Coed Rifle Team.” (I guess they had to practice somewhere).

  3. In the 1976 book “Louis Round Wilson’s Historical Sketches,” page 211 is this quote talking about the NC Symphony Society:

    “Headquarters for the offices of the Society have been provided by the State at the University of North Carolina in what is known as ‘Bingham X’ one of the temporary buildings erected on the campus near Bingham Hall at the end of World War II for the accommodation of veterans returning to complete their interrupted education. One would not say that the facilities have been ideal, but the building has served as a base for the Society during its period of expansion.”

    By the way, there was also a Caldwell X and a Murphy X.

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