It’s World Egg Day!…recipes from the collection.

The second Friday of October marks World Egg Day.  So pull out that carton of eggs and get to celebrating.  Interested in finding out more about World Egg Day?  Check out the International Egg Commission for the answers to all your inquiries.

Beauregarde Eggs - Raleigh Cook Book

Beauregarde Eggs from The Raleigh cook book.

Cheesy Egg Pizza - Welkom

Cheesy Egg Pizza from Welkom : Terra Ceia cookbook III, a collection of recipes.

Confetti Egg Casserole - Pass the Plate

Confetti Egg Casserole from Pass the plate : the collection from Christ Church.

Chili Stuffed Eggs - Family Circle

Chili Stuffed Eggs from The Family circle cookbook.

Egg Timbales - Capital City

Egg Timbales from Capital city cook book : a collection of practical tested receipts.

Swedish Boiled Egg Coffee - Mountain Elegance

Swedish Boiled Egg Coffee from Mountain elegance : a collection of favorite recipes.

A Smoked Egg Dip - The Lost Colony Cookbook

A Smoked Egg Dip from The lost colony cookbook : 400 years of fine food & feasts in the Old World & the New.

Bestowing the nation’s symbolic basketball on… Kansas?

“If the United States had an official sport, what would it be? Baseball can call itself the national pastime until the sun burns out, but the correct answer is good old American football….

“But what if you had to assign one sport to each state, and could use each of those sports just once? How would you disperse our favorite pastimes among the 50 states and Washington, D.C.?…”

— From “The United Sports of America” by Josh Levin at Slate (Oct. 7, 2013)

OK, so Kansas gets the basketball. North Carolina got Ole Roy.

And there’s this exchange in the comments:

“I don’t want to be the person to inform North Carolina it didn’t get men’s college basketball.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty ridiculous. On the other hand, Kansas doesn’t really have anything else….”