Revisiting Abe Lincoln’s Carolina Roots

In honor of the bicentennial of Lincoln’s birth year, I thought I’d mention two more sources that discuss the myth and controversy of Abraham Lincoln’s paternity.

The Abraham Enloe Papers that are housed in the Southern Historical Collection contain a copy of a letter written in the 1960s that claims that North Carolinian Abraham Enloe fathered Abraham Lincoln out of wedlock.  And Edward Steers’ book, Lincoln Legends: Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated with Our Greatest President devotes an entire chapter to dismissing the claims that Enloe was Lincoln’s father.

As a native of the Land of Lincoln, I respectfully decline taking sides in the debate.  If you’d like to, feel free to leave a comment.  (We all remember the brouhaha of a previous post, Abe Lincoln’s Carolina Roots.)